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Goodbye, Pests: Getting Your Bedroom To Be Free From Allergens

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If you aren't sleeping as well as you like or if it feels like your allergies act up when you spend time in your bedroom, you might need to evaluate the potential allergens in the space. Bedrooms can easily foster dust mites, which can activate allergies and sensitivities to dust, as these are the rooms that often get overlooked when it comes to regular scrubbing and dusting. Spend some time assessing the potential areas where you may have an issue and where you may make some simple changes for a better night's sleep.

Some places that allergens might lurk in your bedroom are:

Your floors.

The best way to reduce allergens around your bedroom is to remove places that they can hide, like your carpeting. Bedroom carpets can host dust mites and make cleaning a real chore; invest in hardwood flooring to keep maintenance simple and get rid of allergens. Visit a site like to learn about hardwood flooring options.

Your mattress.

There is a basic recommendation by bedroom experts that you should change your mattress every seven years. This is because mattresses can get soiled and heavy, and this is the ideal environment for dust mites to thrive. Buy your new mattress from a retailer that will come and remove the old mattress for recycling, while delivering your new mattress to your bedroom for you.

The furnishings.

Bedrooms often get the short end of the stick when it comes to furnishings; these spaces often get the overflow of furniture from the rest of the house, or end up with older pieces that don't meld with the décor of other rooms. Old, upholstered furniture could be full of dust, dust mites, and even bed bugs, so be sure to examine each item before using it in your bedroom.

The walls.

Do you know what is lurking behind the walls of your bedroom? If there are layers of wallpaper and paste, steam it and peel it away to reduce potential allergens. Also, have an abatement expert come to examine the walls to determine if lead paint is lurking in your bedroom and whether it is an issue in your home.

There are many places that allergens can hide in your bedroom, which could be impacting how well you sleep at night. Dust mites could activate sensitivities resulting in symptoms that make spending time in your bedroom a drag. Try these tricks to reduce potential allergens in your bedroom, and to convert it back into the sanctuary that you adore. 
